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crystal Coast QUilters' guild

Exploring creativity through quilting

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  • Saturday, February 01, 2025 10:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    January certainly made a big impression on our Crystal Coast; with very cold temperatures and a snowy 2-day event, even the "Pig" in Beaufort was closed!!!! Hope everyone stayed warm, got to sew/quilt and maybe even played in our rare winter wonderland.

    Happy to report our 2025 Budget was revised, discussed and approved at our January 16th Guild meeting. Now on to bigger and better things in 2025 for our guild.

    It seems the Myrtle Beach Retreat was well represented by our members and a fun time was had by all. Hopefully they returned with great projects to be shared during Show and Tell sometime this year. And they sold some 2025 Raffle Quilt tickets!!!!

    Our membership now includes some younger (yeah) members; happy to have them on board. They bring with them new ideas, suggestions and different perspectives to our quilting world. Please be sure to make use of the "Suggestion" box for quilting tips you would like to learn about, demos and programs you would like to see at our meetings and/ or a workshop. We old members are more than willing to share our knowledge and experiences.

    This year programs will be presented by various members; the sign-up sheet will be available each month. Our February program is on COLOR as it pertains to the BOM Challenge.

    March - what is your favorite quilt block and why.

    Hope to see everyone in February. Until then . . .

    Keep stitchin'


  • Wednesday, January 01, 2025 2:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    By the time you read this newsletter Christmas 2024 will be a memory. Hopefully everyone had a wonderful and joyful day with family and friends, and Santa stopped by your house and left you some great quilting items. Hope all who traveled returned home safely.

    2025 is knocking at the door and our guild is gearing up for another successful and productive year. So, what is ahead for us:

    - Since we have no VP, I need someone to volunteer to set-up the Zoom meeting, I am not qualified.

    - clean out the storage units, donate or sell items we no longer need and retain only ONE Storage unit - thinking about this for end of Feb or early March, volunteers needed

    - workshops have been scheduled by Chris and her crew: specific workshops for kids quilts, hero quilts and hospice quilts (more info at the January meeting)

    - programs will be presented by volunteer guild members:

    January - Budget and the next mystery challenge

    February - your favorite quilt block and short explanation as to why

    March - your favorite quilt notion and why

    April - start making those pink and white blocks for the RAAB Cancer Clinic

    Susan Foster has volunteered to present a program, and I hope other members step up to the challenge. In the past members have delivered the programs and we can always learn something new from each other. Please consider this.

    Raffle Tickets sells are going well so far, keep up the good work. Go Myrtle Beach Retreat!!

    See you on January 16th.

    Until then,

    Keep stitchin'


  • Friday, November 29, 2024 3:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thanksgiving is over, and I hope everyone had a wonderful day with family and friends and safe travels were experienced by all.

    Now onto December. I can't believe it's upon us, and 2025 is just around the corner.

    December - let the decorating, shopping, wrapping and baking begin and finishing those last-minute Christmas quilt items. Hope to see you at our Christmas luncheon/party on Dec 12 at 11:30. Come dressed to party, forget the chaos for a few hours and enjoy the "Reason for the Season" with your quilting friends. Come with rings on your fingers and bells on your toes. We will reveal our 2025 raffle quilt, “Stargazing at the Cape”, exchange Secret Santa gifts, and distribute the Christmas blocks. You may want to bring a $35 check for your 2025 dues due January 1.

    Programs for 1st quarter of 2025:

    • January 16 will be the discussion and approval of our 2025 budget. The budget will be distributed to membership via email as soon as Karin finalizes it.

    • February 20 will be "your favorite quilt block" and a brief reason as why. The Mariners Compass is not eligible since it is our guild block. So be thinking about this.

    • March 20 is "what is the quilt ONE notion/ item you can’t live without. A sewing machine is not eligible for obvious reasons.

    Until the 12th keep stitchin'


  • Friday, November 01, 2024 10:56 AM | Deleted user

    November, a month filled with important events:

    Election day, Nov 5th - where every citizen can exercise their right and freedom to cast their vote;

    Marine Core birthday, Nov 10th - if you know a Marine, give him or her a hug and a big Thank You;

    Veteran's Day, Nov 11th - several of our members have served, Eileen Williams, Julie Adcock, Lisa Rechkemmer and Mary Kay Smith (if I missed someone please let me know). A Huge Thank You for your service to us all;

    CCQG Meeting, Nov 21st - where a special program will be presented by our 2024 Scholarship recipients, and Debbie Goines will be installed as our new secretary for 2024/2025; and last but not least,

    Thanksgiving Day Nov 28 - where we all eat too much. Here's hoping everyone will have a wonderful holiday filled with friends and family with all the trimmings.

    Hope to see you on the 21st and don't forget to wear ORANGE.

    Keep stitchin'


  • Tuesday, October 01, 2024 11:04 AM | Deleted user

    Fall has arrived, yeah. Cooler weather, shorter days, soup, apples and pumpkins. What more could me want. . More time to sew and quilt.

    October events include: preparation of the 2025 budget, election of our candidates for VP and Secretary, going by the Core Sound Museum Store on Arendell St to see our 40th Anniversary Quilt Exhibit, wearing PINK, in honor of breast cancer awareness month, to our guild meeting, sewing on your Secret Santa gift and 12 1/2 inch Christmas block.

    Our nominating committee, Lisa, Joyce and Paula did an excellent job of identifying members for 2025/26 officers. Debbie Goines has agreed to be nominated for the Secretary position (yah) but unfortunately no one has volunteered for the VP position (boo hoo hoo). If no one has contacted them or myself by our November meeting we will have to find alternative options for our monthly programs, Zoom, BP Party in July and Christmas Party in Dec. I am open to all suggestions/ideas for this problem, and maybe me need to address the responsibilities of the VP, i.e. Co-VPs.

    Twin Rivers Day of Sharing is Oct 5, if anyone who is attending and wishes to help sell tickets for our 2024 Raffle Quilt, please notify Vicky so she can get them to you.


    This is just a reminder to sell your raffle tickets and turn in the money and stubs to Vicky Garner. October will be here before you know it. Vicky will be at most drop ins and at the meetings. You can also call her (252-723-5375) to arrange a time if one of the other opportunities does not work for you.

    Keep stitchin,


  • Sunday, September 01, 2024 1:23 PM | Deleted user


    Time is ticking away, if you haven't finished your 40th Anniversary challenge piece yet you only have until September 6th to do so. Get to stitching.

    Hoping for cooler weather soon, maybe fall will arrive on schedule and no hurricanes before or after.

    Committee heads need to submit their 2025 budget request by October 1st to either Karin or myself. Please take a few minutes to think about what your committee will need to continue the guild’s projects and fun events for 2025.

    Hope to see everyone on September 19, our next meeting where we will once again have a guest speaker, thanks to our VP and workshop committee. The August program was a wonderful success.

    Don't forget to wear BROWN in September.

    Until then. . .Keep Stitchin,


  • Thursday, August 01, 2024 10:04 AM | Deleted user


    The Party's Over! And a grand time was had by everyone in attendance and those absent were truly missed. A special thank you for Jeanne for organizing our luncheon, Lisa for hosting, Cathy for a very enlightened presentation on the history of quilting and to Pinky for getting our beloved guild started 40 years ago.

    Now on to the dog days of summer. Hot and humid: we know we are in the south so the best thing to do is stay indoors and sew, sew, sew and quilt on your 40th anniversary challenge piece to be displayed in September at the Core Sound Museum Store.

    And believe it or not, it's time to start thinking about the election of a new Vice President and Secretary for the 2025/2026 term. Therefore, the following 3 members have agreed to serve on the nominating committee: Joyce Dimock, Lisa Rechkemmer and Paula Johnson. They will present a slate of nominees at the September meeting, election of the 2 positions will take place at the October meeting and the installation of our new vice president and secretary will be held at our November meeting. Term begins January 1, 2025. If any member is interested in serving as an officer for either position, please feel free to contact Joyce, Lisa or Paula; it will make their job a lot easier for volunteers to come forward than for them to start calling members for input.

    The Board reviewed Mary Kay's procedures, published in the July newsletter, for the Pampered Chef fundraiser for our guild. Since this is strictly voluntary, as to whether or not you place an order through Mary Kay's account, the Board has APPROVED this proposal from Mary Kay. Thank you, Mary Kay for donating all your profit from orders placed in August to our guild. So, if any member has a wedding, birthday or event/party that requires a gift, think Pampered Chef. August 15th is our next guild meeting and the color to wear is Yellow, for the sunny hot days ahead.

    Until then. . .Keep Stitchin,


  • Sunday, June 30, 2024 12:45 PM | Deleted user


    Happy July 4th, aka, Independence Day and Happy Birthday to US, Crystal Coast Quilters Guild, 40 years and still going strong. Hoping everyone can get out and celebrate both events this month. Can't believe half of 2024 is already in the history books. How many quilts and projects have you started and finished? It's not too early to begin thinking about Christmas quilted gifts for friends and family, which includes our Secret Santa bags due at the August meeting. Time to get those creative juices flowing.

    See you on the 18th at the Crystal Coast Country Club for our birthday luncheon. Wear something RED.

    Until then. . . Keep Stitchin,


  • Sunday, June 02, 2024 10:17 AM | Deleted user


    Hello June. Hope everyone had a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend, the weather was wonderful and I'm sure our beaches were crowded.

    June brings the end of another school year, graduations, Father's Day, and our guild silent auction. A chance to pursue our quilting stash and remove any no longer wanted notions, fabric, patterns, books, thread, magazines, etc. and bring them to the monthly meeting so another guild member can claim them for their projects.

    June also provides us with the opportunity to wear PURPLE to the meeting. Why purple? Who knows, it's just a color in the box. See you on the 20th.

    Keep Stitchin’,


  • Thursday, May 02, 2024 9:04 AM | Deleted user


    Exciting things are happening in our guild. New members joining our little guild just about every month, interesting workshops now and in the future, quilt exhibit in the library, 40th Birthday in July, and that's just this summer. Stay turn for fall.

    May brings Mother's Day and Memorial Day. Hope you celebrate both in your own unique way.

    See you on May 16 and don't forget to wear a flower in your hair, on your blouse, on your shoe, you get the idea.

    Keep Stitchin,


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P.O. Box 1819

Morehead City, NC 28557

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