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crystal Coast QUilters' guild

Exploring creativity through quilting

From the President

Sunday, March 02, 2025 9:13 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Let me first apologize for the cancellation of our monthly February meeting. As bitter cold and wet as it was I and the board members agreed this was the best decision. Not sure how many members really wanted to come out to attend the meeting and chance the possibility of black ice, and more than several drive at least 30 minutes one way. And to be honest I didn't even think about ZOOM as an alternative, my deepest apology. But I hope everyone enjoyed a few days of uninterrupted sewing and quilting.

MARCH brings Spring!! I just hope it doesn't come in like a lamb and leaves like a lion. March brings green - grass, tree frogs, Carolina anoles, St Patrick Day, beer, eggs and ham, fabric, thread. Let your creativity and imagination soar this Spring.

Our guild has lots of opportunities on the calendar for us this month: still hoping to hear we have a booth for the St. Patty's Day Festival at Emerald Isle to sell tickets for our wonderful raffle quilt - Stargazing at the Cape, workshop for Hospice quilts, our guild meeting on March 20th, are there others?

I hope by the time you receive this newsletter we have had our February meeting, trying to reschedule with the church for Feb 28 or March 6.

Until we see each other again, Keep Stitchin',


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All images and text are copyright by Crystal Coast Quilters' Guild or individual members.  Reproduction of any kind is prohibited without prior written permission.

Crystal Coast Quilters' Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 1819

Morehead City, NC 28557

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