This page:
On the member-only directory, you can use it to see a list of other members, search for members, and view their profiles.
Clicking on the member-only directory will display that member's profile (subject to their privacy settings).
You can search for members by entering a search string in the Search field, or you can click the Advanced search link to search using a combination of different search criteria. If you don't know the last name of the person, searching just with the first name will bring up every member with that name.
From the Privacy tab on your member profile, you can control whether your profile is viewable by others, and if so, which fields are viewable by members and non-members. If you set your profile to private – by unchecking the Show profile to others option in your profile – you won't appear in the member directory at all. Other members won't be able to find you or contact you.
Upcoming programs that you can register for appear on the Events calendar (either calendar or list view). Using the Events calendar, you can view program details and register for programs.
To view the details for a particular program, click the program name or the Show details link. To register for a program, click the Register button.
After you've clicked the Register button, follow these steps to complete your registration:
1. If you are not already logged in, enter your email address. If you are already logged in, your email will already be filled in (though you can change it).
2. If there are multiple registration types, you will be asked to select a registration type (Member or Non-Member).
Depending on whether you are logged in or not, some member-only registration types may not be available. If you are not logged in, but your email is already in the site's contact database, you will be prompted to log in. If your email is not in the contact database, you will be prompted to apply for membership.
3. Once you select a registration type (Member or Non-Member) and click Next, the main registration form appears.
Here, you fill out the registration form, and select additional program options, if any (e.g. meal preference, program sessions). If the program is set up with a guest registration option, you can indicate the number of guests.
4. Once you are finished filling out the form, click Next.
5. What happens next depends on the payment method chosen when the program was set up.
· If only offline payment was enabled, then you will have the option of canceling or confirming the registration. If you click the Confirm button, an invoice will be emailed to you, and a registration summary will be displayed. From the registration summary, you can choose to view or pay the outstanding invoice.
· If only online payment is enabled, then a Pay online button will appear. Clicking the Pay online button will take you to the online payment screen.
· If both online and offline payment is enabled, then two buttons will be displayed: Pay online and Invoice me. Clicking the Pay online button will take you to the online payment screen for your payment provider. Clicking the Invoice me button will result in you being emailed an invoice – which you can pay online or offline – and a registration summary being displayed. From the registration summary, you can choose to view or pay (online) the outstanding invoice.
Paying Once for Multiple Transactions
If you're registering for multiple programs or joining as a member and registering for a program at the same time, you can make a single payment for the multiple transactions. To avoid paying separately for each transaction, follow these steps:
1. For each transaction except the final one, click the Invoice me button rather than the Pay online button.
2. For the final transaction, click the Pay online button and all your transactions will be combined into a single payment.
Viewing Invoices and Making Payments
If you have any unpaid invoices, a message will appear after you log in at the bottom right corner.
To view or pay the outstanding invoice, click the link. You will be taken to the Invoices and payment tab on your member profile, where you can view and pay invoices, and view past payments. You can also access this screen by displaying your member profile then clicking the Invoices and payments link.
Invoices with open balances (unpaid or partially paid) will be shown at the top of the screen. To pay one or more outstanding invoices, click the checkbox beside the invoice(s) you want to pay, then click the Pay online button. If you have credits on your account, they will appear as payments that you can also select to apply against your outstanding invoices.
Once you click the Pay online button, you will be taken to an online payment screen where you can enter your credit card details.
You may also receive invoices via email. If you click the View invoice online link within the emailed invoice, you can view and pay the invoice online without logging in.
Creating a Forum Topic
If you are authorized to create forum topics, a Create topic button will appear above and below the topic list. After clicking this button, you can enter the subject and the body of the new topic. You can use the options appearing on the content editor toolbar to format the body text, and add links and tables. Once you are done composing the topic, click Create. The topic will now appear on the main forum page.
Normally, the topics you post will identify you using your first and last name. If member pictures are enabled, your picture will be displayed unless the picture field is restricted under your privacy settings. If you chose to hide your entire profile from others in your privacy settings – or if you are not a member – the topic will identify you as Anonymous. If you restrict access to both your first name and last name in your privacy settings, you will be identified as an Anonymous member.
Replying and Commenting on Forum Topics
To reply to a topic, display the topic then click the Reply button. After clicking this button, you can enter the body of your reply. You can use the content editor to format the text and add pictures, documents, or links. Once you are done composing your reply, click Post.
To comment on a particular reply within a topic, click the Quote link above the reply. This will include in your message the text of the reply that you are commenting on. Once you are done composing your comment, click Post.
To change the order in which topic replies are displayed, click the Show latest replies link or the Show oldest replies link. You can set the order differently for different topics, and your choices will be remembered between visits.
Subscribing to Forums
You can subscribe to a forum, or to individual topics within the forum, so that you receive email notifications of updates. After receiving the notification, you can visit the forum to view the new topics or replies.
To subscribe to the entire forum, visit the forum page and click the Subscribe to forum link above the topic list.
Once subscribed, you will receive daily email notifications of new topics posted, or new replies to topics in the forum, with direct links to the Forum summary page and the new or updated topics within the email. See sample below.
Forum CCQG Member Forum at CCQG
Updates for Sat, July 04, 2020
Did you watch Pati Fried's Zoom lecture on June 27th!, 1 post(s), Paula Zurowski (Administrator), Sat, July 04, 2020 6:34 AM;
To unsubscribe, go to your online profile page or use this link: Unsubscribe.
To unsubscribe to a forum, click the Subscribed (Unsubscribe) link that appears in place of the Subscribe to forum link, or click the Unsubscribe link in the email.
To subscribe to a particular topic in a forum, while you're on the topic page click the Subscribe to topic link above the topic messages. You will receive daily email notifications of replies or updates to this forum topic only, with the full text of the reply shown in the email. No need to go to the website to view it.
To unsubscribe to a forum topic, click the Subscribed (Unsubscribe) link that appears in place of the Subscribe to topic link, or click the Unsubscribe link in the email, or edit Email Subscriptions in your Profile.
By default, email notifications of forum updates are sent on a daily basis. You can change the frequency of the email notifications from daily to weekly or immediately. Daily forum notifications contain a summary of the previous day's updates. Weekly forum notifications are sent on Sunday night/Monday morning and contain a summary of the previous week's updates. Immediately notifications are sent as soon as a reply is made to your topic. If you have an urgent need to know, choose Immediate.
Managing Forum Subscriptions
To change your forum subscription settings, go to the Email subscriptions page within your member profile and click the Edit profile button.
In the Forum subscriptions section, you can unsubscribe from forums and topics and change the frequency of forum update notifications.
To unsubscribe to a forum or forum topic, uncheck the checkbox beside the forum or topic name. To change the frequency of the update notifications, click the drop-down and choose one of the following options:
Option |
Description |
Daily |
A summary of forum updates for each day is sent the following day. |
Weekly |
A summary of forum updates for each week is sent on Sunday night/Monday morning. |
Immediately |
Notifications are sent immediately after an update is made (though the actual delivery could be delayed a few minutes or longer depending on the email server load). |
Once you are finished making changes, click the Save button.
CCQG has enabled Member Photo Albums, you can add photos to an album which is only seen on your member profile page.
Members' photo albums are different from the photo gallery pages that can appear on other site pages.
You can create multiple personal photo albums and upload photos to your albums. You can add descriptions to your albums and captions to your photos. You can also control whether other members and non-members can view your albums.
Your photo albums appear on the Member photo albums page within your member profile.
Depending on your privacy settings, your albums may also appear on your public profile which members can access by clicking your name within the member directory.
Viewing Member Photo Albums
To view a photo album, you click the album name or cover. Thumbnails will be displayed for each photo in the album. If there are more than 60 photos in the album, links will appear at the top-right and bottom-right of the page to allow you to scroll through the album pages.
To view a larger version of a photo, click the thumbnail within the photo album page. On the individual photo page, the photo will be displayed as close to full size as can fit on the page.
Managing Member Photo Albums
From the Member photo albums page on your member profile, you can add and delete photo albums, and change the name and description of each album.
To add a photo album to your profile, click the Create album button, if you don't have any albums yet, or the Add album button if you do.
On the dialog that appears, enter a title and description for the album then click Submit.
With the album now created, you can change the title and description by clicking the Edit details button or delete the album by clicking the Delete album button.
Adding photos to member photo albums
To add a photo to one of your member photo albums, open the album then click the Upload photos button.
On the dialog that appears, you can select up to 5 images to be uploaded at a time.
You can select photos saved using the following file formats: .jpg, .gif, .png and .tif. The maximum file size of each photo depends on the setting used by CCQG.
After selecting the files to be uploaded, click the Upload button.
Managing Member Album Photos
After adding photos to a photo album, you can set a photo as the album cover, assign a caption to the photo, or delete photos.
To set a photo as the album cover – so that the photo is used as the thumbnail for the album – hover over the photo within the album then click the Set as cover link.
The photo will now appear as the first photo within the album, and as the album cover on the Member photo albums page.
To assign a caption to a photo, click the photo within the photo album, then click the Add caption link that appears below the photo. In the field that appears, enter the caption then click Save.
The caption will appear below the photo thumbnail within the album and on the individual photo page.
To delete a photo, hover over its thumbnail within the photo album page then click the Delete link that appears.
You can also delete a photo from the individual photo page by clicking the Delete photo button that appears in the upper right corner.
Adding Captions
To add a caption, click on the image within the album and then click the Add caption link that appears below the photo on the individual photo page.
After you enter a caption and click on Save, the caption will appear below the photo thumbnail and on the individual photo page.
Deleting Photos
You can only delete the photos you have added yourself to the photo album. To delete a photo, hover over its thumbnail within the photo album then click the Delete link that appears.
You can also delete a photo from the individual enlarged photo page by clicking the Delete photo button that appears in the upper right corner.
Viewing Photos
Using the links that appear at the top-right and bottom-right of the gallery, you can scroll through the gallery pages.
To view a larger version of a photo, click the thumbnail within the photo gallery. On the individual photo page, the photo will be displayed as close to full size as can fit on the page. Above the image, you will see the date the image was uploaded, as well as the name of the member who uploaded it (depending on the member's privacy settings).
To view the full version of the photo in a separate browser tab, click the photo within the photo page. To scroll through other images in the gallery, click the Previous or Next links.
So that visitors and members can make financial contributions to CCQG, our site includes an online donation form. If you are not logged in, the form will display both contact fields and donation fields.
If you are already logged into your account, the form will not display contact fields, only donation fields.
To make an online donation, fill out the required fields on the donation form and click the Pay button.
Once your payment processor confirms the successful processing of the payment transaction, a confirmation email and a payment receipt will be emailed to you.