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crystal Coast QUilters' guild

Exploring creativity through quilting

From The President

Thursday, August 01, 2024 10:04 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


The Party's Over! And a grand time was had by everyone in attendance and those absent were truly missed. A special thank you for Jeanne for organizing our luncheon, Lisa for hosting, Cathy for a very enlightened presentation on the history of quilting and to Pinky for getting our beloved guild started 40 years ago.

Now on to the dog days of summer. Hot and humid: we know we are in the south so the best thing to do is stay indoors and sew, sew, sew and quilt on your 40th anniversary challenge piece to be displayed in September at the Core Sound Museum Store.

And believe it or not, it's time to start thinking about the election of a new Vice President and Secretary for the 2025/2026 term. Therefore, the following 3 members have agreed to serve on the nominating committee: Joyce Dimock, Lisa Rechkemmer and Paula Johnson. They will present a slate of nominees at the September meeting, election of the 2 positions will take place at the October meeting and the installation of our new vice president and secretary will be held at our November meeting. Term begins January 1, 2025. If any member is interested in serving as an officer for either position, please feel free to contact Joyce, Lisa or Paula; it will make their job a lot easier for volunteers to come forward than for them to start calling members for input.

The Board reviewed Mary Kay's procedures, published in the July newsletter, for the Pampered Chef fundraiser for our guild. Since this is strictly voluntary, as to whether or not you place an order through Mary Kay's account, the Board has APPROVED this proposal from Mary Kay. Thank you, Mary Kay for donating all your profit from orders placed in August to our guild. So, if any member has a wedding, birthday or event/party that requires a gift, think Pampered Chef. August 15th is our next guild meeting and the color to wear is Yellow, for the sunny hot days ahead.

Until then. . .Keep Stitchin,


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All images and text are copyright by Crystal Coast Quilters' Guild or individual members.  Reproduction of any kind is prohibited without prior written permission.

Crystal Coast Quilters' Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

P.O. Box 1819

Morehead City, NC 28557

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